Sunday, July 27, 2014

And We're Back! {Home from Vacation}

As of yesterday, we are home from vacation! It was a really wonderful and relaxing week. The week flew by but I am feeling energized, thankful, and excited about everyday life around here. Vacation feels a little bit like New Years to me in that way… it feels like a fresh start to think about what I want life to be like when I go home.

We spent the week with both our families in Ocean City, Jersey. Luke and I both grew up going to there with our families even before we met. We love everything about that place. It was so fun bouncing back and forth between the two beach houses, having fun with both sides of our family. We even had a chocolate fondue night with the two families together - so fun! My sister, Ellie, was the only sibling who couldn't make it this year. We missed her a lot but the cool news is that she got engaged early in the week! So happy for Ellie and my soon-to-be brother, Jackson. They are perfect together.

This was our first vacation as parents and it was an adventure just experiencing the joys and challenges that come with this new season of life. Bekah did awesome with the travel and our family was incredibly kind, offering to watch her sometimes at two or three in the morning just so Luke and I could get some extra sleep. I had so much fun watching her aunts and uncles love her, sing to her, and start their relationships with her. She has grandparents and great grandparents who love her (and us!) so much and we felt that love all week long.

My favorite vacation moments this year...
  everything on the board walk: taking walks, getting ice-cream, playing mini golf
spending the afternoon at the beach with Bekah & wave jumping with my brother and Luke
how the sunshine made Bekah's red hair even brighter
dinner at Manco & Manco on the last night
sitting around with family doing nothing but watching Bek and her cousins be cuties
laughing with my siblings
 my french fry and lemonade date with Luke and our encouraging conversations
spending time with Grammy when it was just the four of us left at the house 
playing bananagrams
sitting on the boardwalk eating Kohr Bros. and watching the sky change over the ocean 
with Dad, Luke, Bekah, Aaron, and Annie
so much time to spend with my husband - love that guy!

I had a tough time getting myself to stop writing that list! I guess that's a good problem to have - having too many favorite memories from vacation.

How was your week, friends? I'm beating the post-vacation blues by dreaming about what I'd like to do this week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend - I'd love to hear what you've got going on in the week ahead!

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

And We're Back! {Home from Vacation}

As of yesterday, we are home from vacation! It was a really wonderful and relaxing week. The week flew by but I am feeling energized, thankful, and excited about everyday life around here. Vacation feels a little bit like New Years to me in that way… it feels like a fresh start to think about what I want life to be like when I go home.

We spent the week with both our families in Ocean City, Jersey. Luke and I both grew up going to there with our families even before we met. We love everything about that place. It was so fun bouncing back and forth between the two beach houses, having fun with both sides of our family. We even had a chocolate fondue night with the two families together - so fun! My sister, Ellie, was the only sibling who couldn't make it this year. We missed her a lot but the cool news is that she got engaged early in the week! So happy for Ellie and my soon-to-be brother, Jackson. They are perfect together.

This was our first vacation as parents and it was an adventure just experiencing the joys and challenges that come with this new season of life. Bekah did awesome with the travel and our family was incredibly kind, offering to watch her sometimes at two or three in the morning just so Luke and I could get some extra sleep. I had so much fun watching her aunts and uncles love her, sing to her, and start their relationships with her. She has grandparents and great grandparents who love her (and us!) so much and we felt that love all week long.

My favorite vacation moments this year...
  everything on the board walk: taking walks, getting ice-cream, playing mini golf
spending the afternoon at the beach with Bekah & wave jumping with my brother and Luke
how the sunshine made Bekah's red hair even brighter
dinner at Manco & Manco on the last night
sitting around with family doing nothing but watching Bek and her cousins be cuties
laughing with my siblings
 my french fry and lemonade date with Luke and our encouraging conversations
spending time with Grammy when it was just the four of us left at the house 
playing bananagrams
sitting on the boardwalk eating Kohr Bros. and watching the sky change over the ocean 
with Dad, Luke, Bekah, Aaron, and Annie
so much time to spend with my husband - love that guy!

I had a tough time getting myself to stop writing that list! I guess that's a good problem to have - having too many favorite memories from vacation.

How was your week, friends? I'm beating the post-vacation blues by dreaming about what I'd like to do this week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend - I'd love to hear what you've got going on in the week ahead!



  1. Manco and Manco have some of the best pizza. I think that their pizza is my favorite boardwalk food from my favorite beach town.

    1. Yeah! It is so good! :) I just noticed on your blog tonight you're from NJ… I'm in Philly so not far at all from your home state. Thanks for stopping by and reading! :)

  2. I'm jealous of your location! I've always wanted to visit up north!

    Glad you enjoyed your first vacation with a baby! That's gotta be quite a change :)

    1. Thanks Becca! It is really a great area to live in. We just moved near Philadelphia this past year so we're even closer to the beach now. It's awesome - especially since we've got a baby on the car rides now :) Thanks for reading!

  3. Hi Bonnie! Thanks for sharing your memories. Wow, first vacation with your little one :) Looks like you are well-charged and refreshed :D Have a great week ahead!

    1. Hi Patricia! Thanks for stopping by! :) Yes - the extra rest was amazing! Hope you have a great week too! Oh! I read the story you shared on your blog about you and your fiancé's love story - it was so beautiful.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Mariana! I am crazy blessed - they are really wonderful to me!

  5. It sounds like you had a wonderful vacation! I love vacations with's the best! :)

    1. Thanks Faith! :) Yes it is!! It was just the refresher we needed and it was so cool that could happen surrounded by family. :) Hope you are having a good week so far!

  6. Just read your blog for the first time, forgot people had these and how to get to one. Enjoyed reading your blog. I love vacation too, glad Luke, You and the Baby had a good time. [:

    1. Nicole! So cool to hear from you here :) Thanks for reading! I really hope we get to see you sometime soon. Everyone needs more Nicole Shafer in their life :) Love you!

  7. You guys are too cute! So glad you had a great vacation! :)

    1. Thanks Jess! You're so sweet - can't wait until we can catch up in person sometime soon!! I need to get caught up on your travel posts on your blog :)

  8. Love your pictures and love the fact that you were in Ocean City, NJ! We actually vacation as a family in Stone Harbor, NJ which isn't too far away! Looks like you guys had a great time!

    1. Thank you, Sarah! I've never been to Stone Harbor but I bet it's beautiful - I visited Brigantine one year too and that was a great little Jersey beach town, too! Thanks for stopping by! I just went over to your blog and really enjoyed browsing through some of your posts :) I'll be following along!

    2. Aw, thank you so much! I've been doing a little digging around on your blog as well and have already added it to my lists of blogs to read! :) I'm definitely going to check out Brigantine, I love the Jersey coast!
