Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Happy Home Wednesday: inspired by you!

It's hard to believe it's been a week already since the first Happy Home Wednesday post. This is a new series I hope to update weekly. Happy Home posts are all about home design and using the things and spaces you have to love the people around you. I had so much fun reading your responses last week! Thank you for taking the time to read and for sharing with me and other Strong+Sweet readers what a happy home means to you. You guys are awesome. :)

Today I want to keep that new conversation going and tell you a few of the ways your responses inspired me to keep on loving people with my home and favorite hobby. 

Source: A Rosy Note - beautiful site!
Let's get started! Andrew and Betsy both shared about using their love of cooking to love others...
  • Andrew wrote, "...I decided a few years ago, if I can not entertain people easily (I love to cook), I would offer to cook at other peoples homes, or get togethers..."
  • Betsy added, " mom is the ultimate hostess…she loves feeding people and hospitality is definitely one of her spiritual gifts! so i aspire to be that, but until i have a place of my own, i just enjoy helping my mom out when we have people over or cooking for my boyfriend's family with him!"
What I loved so much about these responses was that they are both using their hospitality gifts to love people even though their current space might not be completely ideal. Andrew shared that he and his wife have a small apartment that makes entertaining tough (we understand! we have spent a lot of time eating dinner on the couch ;)) and Betsy is living with family - which can be so wonderful but also tough when you're excited to have your own space! Despite all that, both of them are just plowing ahead, using what they have to serve others and  enjoying using the hospitality gift that is so evident in them. That is so cool and so inspiring to me. Thanks for sharing, you two! 
Source: Country Living via Decorology 
My sweet friends Ann and Hannah both shared a beautiful perspective about the items they have in their homes
  • Ann explained, "Putting away our wedding gifts was so enjoyable to me, because it let me reflect on the blessing that each person has been in my life." 
  • Hannah shared, "As you know, I really love old stuff. Just about everything of mine has a story. That is my favorite part of decorating. Even though I had never met my great grandmother, its such an honor to have a piece of her furniture in my home, making her a bigger part of my life. I just love the feeling of being able to look around and know that I'm surrounded by generations, memories, laughter, and history."
Isn't that such a refreshing way to look at the things we own? Ann and Hannah both view their things from such a beautiful point of view. It's a nice perspective change for me to be challenged to value the people that my things remind me of over the value I place on just having "the things".
Source: House Beautiful
Finally, I loved Leah's funny and sweet description of her "open door mentality".
  • Leah said, "...I love to share the space we've been blessed with. That sometimes may mean I'm sharing that space while folding laundry or cooking. I'm thinking that by the second time someone comes to our house someone would either feel awkward or part of the family. I'm hoping for more of the latter. I guess for me it's more of an open door mentality and enjoying life with others in spite of whatever they may walk into when coming through our doors :)"
There's a ton of freedom in remembering that your space doesn't have to be perfect to be shared with others or enjoyed by you, isn't there? This was an awesome reminder for me. 

So what do you guys think? Did this get the wheels turning in your head about using your home or hobbies to love people? What could you add to this conversation? :) I'd love to hear what you love about your space and how you like to share it with others. 


** Disclaimer: The photos shared above include source links under each image. If the photo belongs to you and you would like it removed, just let me know in the comments below!
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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Happy Home Wednesday: inspired by you!

It's hard to believe it's been a week already since the first Happy Home Wednesday post. This is a new series I hope to update weekly. Happy Home posts are all about home design and using the things and spaces you have to love the people around you. I had so much fun reading your responses last week! Thank you for taking the time to read and for sharing with me and other Strong+Sweet readers what a happy home means to you. You guys are awesome. :)

Today I want to keep that new conversation going and tell you a few of the ways your responses inspired me to keep on loving people with my home and favorite hobby. 

Source: A Rosy Note - beautiful site!
Let's get started! Andrew and Betsy both shared about using their love of cooking to love others...
  • Andrew wrote, "...I decided a few years ago, if I can not entertain people easily (I love to cook), I would offer to cook at other peoples homes, or get togethers..."
  • Betsy added, " mom is the ultimate hostess…she loves feeding people and hospitality is definitely one of her spiritual gifts! so i aspire to be that, but until i have a place of my own, i just enjoy helping my mom out when we have people over or cooking for my boyfriend's family with him!"
What I loved so much about these responses was that they are both using their hospitality gifts to love people even though their current space might not be completely ideal. Andrew shared that he and his wife have a small apartment that makes entertaining tough (we understand! we have spent a lot of time eating dinner on the couch ;)) and Betsy is living with family - which can be so wonderful but also tough when you're excited to have your own space! Despite all that, both of them are just plowing ahead, using what they have to serve others and  enjoying using the hospitality gift that is so evident in them. That is so cool and so inspiring to me. Thanks for sharing, you two! 
Source: Country Living via Decorology 
My sweet friends Ann and Hannah both shared a beautiful perspective about the items they have in their homes
  • Ann explained, "Putting away our wedding gifts was so enjoyable to me, because it let me reflect on the blessing that each person has been in my life." 
  • Hannah shared, "As you know, I really love old stuff. Just about everything of mine has a story. That is my favorite part of decorating. Even though I had never met my great grandmother, its such an honor to have a piece of her furniture in my home, making her a bigger part of my life. I just love the feeling of being able to look around and know that I'm surrounded by generations, memories, laughter, and history."
Isn't that such a refreshing way to look at the things we own? Ann and Hannah both view their things from such a beautiful point of view. It's a nice perspective change for me to be challenged to value the people that my things remind me of over the value I place on just having "the things".
Source: House Beautiful
Finally, I loved Leah's funny and sweet description of her "open door mentality".
  • Leah said, "...I love to share the space we've been blessed with. That sometimes may mean I'm sharing that space while folding laundry or cooking. I'm thinking that by the second time someone comes to our house someone would either feel awkward or part of the family. I'm hoping for more of the latter. I guess for me it's more of an open door mentality and enjoying life with others in spite of whatever they may walk into when coming through our doors :)"
There's a ton of freedom in remembering that your space doesn't have to be perfect to be shared with others or enjoyed by you, isn't there? This was an awesome reminder for me. 

So what do you guys think? Did this get the wheels turning in your head about using your home or hobbies to love people? What could you add to this conversation? :) I'd love to hear what you love about your space and how you like to share it with others. 


** Disclaimer: The photos shared above include source links under each image. If the photo belongs to you and you would like it removed, just let me know in the comments below!


  1. Oh Bonnie, I just love reading your posts! You are always so upbeat and encouraging, and full of awesome ideas. Keep writing :) Also, when I have people over, I try to always make them feel special. For example, if I'm having a girlfriend over just to talk and have coffee, I'll set up a tray with pretty plates and mugs, and make sure to put out a little snack (I love to bake, so I have no shortage of yummy things usually, haha!) My mom is AMAZING at this, so I try to learn from her! She makes even a casual visit feel like "tea time" :)

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, Taylor! You are so wonderful. I said "awww" a handful of times while reading your comment… love, love love the attention to details that you mentioned with pretty dishes and yummy treats. I bet people feel so cherished and at home when they are with you! I want to start thinking of more ways that I can put those things into practice that you and your mom are doing! Helping people remember they are special is so worth it, isn't it? :)

  2. I've never felt like a very together person in these areas, Bonnie. But reading your posts are inspiring because you're simply encouraging everybody to use their gifts as they find them. That is very cool

    1. Gerry, thank you for your encouragement - your words mean so much to me! :) I have felt at home at your house from the very beginning and the way you clearly believe in people makes us want to do the same for others! Love you and thankful for you!
