Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Happy Home Wednesday: A New Conversation

Happy mid-week, friends! What have you been up to this week?

This afternoon I've been hanging out on the couch doing some brain storming for future Strong+Sweet posts and series. Do you ever have people ask you what your hobbies are? I think I went years and years of being asked that question with absolutely no idea how to respond. Isn't that funny? Sure, I had stuff I like to do but I had a tough time identifying my "hobbies".  Within the past year or so I finally found something to say as I found myself falling in love with interior home design. I would guess Pinterest played some role in that infatuation ;). I can spend a lot of time watching HGTV, scrolling through home design pin boards, and reading blogs like Young House Love (those Petersiks are awesome). So now when people ask me what my hobbies are, I'll usually say something about home design.

I've found that what I love most about home design isn't acquiring "stuff". What I love about home design is that I get to share it with other people. It's so easy to take the physical blessings God has given us in our furniture, kitchen ware, and space and use it all to love people.

You see, I'm thankful for our apartment, but without Luke, Bekah, family and friends to share it with - it would really just be a bunch of meaningless rooms. I'm thankful for the bright, sunny kitchen we just settled into, but nothing makes me love that little kitchen more than when I use it to make something yummy for my sister and husband to eat after they get off work. (I mentioned in this post that my sister is currently living in the area and we are loving having her around!)

I think using my home to build relationships is what makes it a happy home. It doesn't have to be a big party or loud get-together - some of the best times that this little home is used to foster relationships are when it's just Luke and I at home enjoying each other's company or just me, home alone, growing in my relationship with God.

I'm going to try something new here on Wednesdays. I want to explore this happy home idea with you through a series of posts.They'll mix together related scripture, pretty images found on Pinterest, and maybe even some thoughts and stories from you about how you've used your space (whether one room, or a whole house) to care for people and share God's love. I think this is going to be fun. :)

So, let me ask you a few questions to get our little home-y conversation going. What could you share about creating a happy home? Do you love being the party-throwing hostess or treasure the moments of private family time lounging in the living room? Do you shop for table settings while thinking about the friends you'll host for lunch? How do you use your space and your physical blessings to love people?

Can't wait to hear from you!

** Disclaimer: The photos shared above include source links under each image. If the photo belongs to you and you would like it removed, just let me know in the comments below!
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Happy Home Wednesday: A New Conversation

Happy mid-week, friends! What have you been up to this week?

This afternoon I've been hanging out on the couch doing some brain storming for future Strong+Sweet posts and series. Do you ever have people ask you what your hobbies are? I think I went years and years of being asked that question with absolutely no idea how to respond. Isn't that funny? Sure, I had stuff I like to do but I had a tough time identifying my "hobbies".  Within the past year or so I finally found something to say as I found myself falling in love with interior home design. I would guess Pinterest played some role in that infatuation ;). I can spend a lot of time watching HGTV, scrolling through home design pin boards, and reading blogs like Young House Love (those Petersiks are awesome). So now when people ask me what my hobbies are, I'll usually say something about home design.

I've found that what I love most about home design isn't acquiring "stuff". What I love about home design is that I get to share it with other people. It's so easy to take the physical blessings God has given us in our furniture, kitchen ware, and space and use it all to love people.

You see, I'm thankful for our apartment, but without Luke, Bekah, family and friends to share it with - it would really just be a bunch of meaningless rooms. I'm thankful for the bright, sunny kitchen we just settled into, but nothing makes me love that little kitchen more than when I use it to make something yummy for my sister and husband to eat after they get off work. (I mentioned in this post that my sister is currently living in the area and we are loving having her around!)

I think using my home to build relationships is what makes it a happy home. It doesn't have to be a big party or loud get-together - some of the best times that this little home is used to foster relationships are when it's just Luke and I at home enjoying each other's company or just me, home alone, growing in my relationship with God.

I'm going to try something new here on Wednesdays. I want to explore this happy home idea with you through a series of posts.They'll mix together related scripture, pretty images found on Pinterest, and maybe even some thoughts and stories from you about how you've used your space (whether one room, or a whole house) to care for people and share God's love. I think this is going to be fun. :)

So, let me ask you a few questions to get our little home-y conversation going. What could you share about creating a happy home? Do you love being the party-throwing hostess or treasure the moments of private family time lounging in the living room? Do you shop for table settings while thinking about the friends you'll host for lunch? How do you use your space and your physical blessings to love people?

Can't wait to hear from you!

** Disclaimer: The photos shared above include source links under each image. If the photo belongs to you and you would like it removed, just let me know in the comments below!


  1. My wife and I have not had the best apartments for "entertaining" over the years...We always find great deals, but limited spaces. For instance, our current place has no dining room, we eat in our living room... LOL. I decided a few years ago, if I can not entertain people easily (I love to cook), I would offer to cook at other peoples homes, or get togethers. If, I were to have a home... I would love an open kitchen/dining room set up, and would love to have a comfy living room, where the TV is not the centerpiece.

    1. Love that, Andrew. What an awesome way to use your gifts, even in a season when space is different than you might prefer. That will only make it better when the time comes that you have the big open kitchen and everyone can come over to enjoy your cooking! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Putting together the details of our home was one of the most enjoyable projects I've ever done. Putting away our wedding gifts was so enjoyable to me, because it let me reflect on the blessing that each person has been in my life. I enjoy creating an environment that is relaxing for Zach and I, and I've learned to take enjoyment in keeping our home cleaned and maintained so that when he comes home from work, he enters into an environment that is clean and comfortable and not stress-producing or chaotic.
    One of my favorite rooms to put together in our house was the kitchen! I love dinnerware, and I get really excited when I can get a new pot or pan or serving dish. I can't help but to envision future uses for each item. Having only 2 cabinets in our tiny kitchen has helped me keep my supplies limited, but someday I dream of a kitchen with walls of cabinets filled with all kinds of pretty dishes ready to feed my friends and family.
    I really enjoy having small get togethers at our house. I love cooking a yummy meal and having some kind of delicious desert prepared. Recent favorite: lemon pound cake. I cut it up and spread it out on this pretty white rectangular dish we have, sprinkle some powdered sugar on top, and throw a few sliced strawberries on the end for decoration.
    Zach and I have been preparing our back yard to hopefully build a nice little patio back there, so we can have nice spring and summer cookouts.
    Also, side benefit to our rental company- I'm really looking forward to having tons of colorful tablecloths and pretty dishes available to use any time ;)
    I just feel a lot of satisfaction from keeping a home that is ready to host company at any time. I hope that when people come over, they feel at ease and cozy.

    P.S. as I scrolled past the kitchen pictured above, I was momentarily convinced it was yours, and got super impressed with the spaciousness of Valley Forge apartment kitchens!

    1. I'm thinking we might need to get together and eat some lemon pound cake soon ;) I love the future plans you shared - you've done such an amazing job with making your home a warm, welcoming place now. I'm with you on the pretty dishes thing, there is something soo fun about collecting them!

  3. I am seriously not cute and homey at all. Interior design and I do not mesh well however I do enjoy checking out ideas that other have. It may be living vicariously through others since that's definitely not an area I'm strong in. Even so, I love to share the space we've been blessed with. That sometimes may mean I'm sharing that space while folding laundry or cooking. I'm thinking that by the second time to our house someone would either feel awkward or part of the family. I'm hoping for more of the latter. I guess for me it's more of an open door mentality and enjoying life with others in spite of whatever they may walk into when coming through our doors:)

    1. Haha! Love that! I think that's good wisdom for all of us - our space doesn't need to be perfect and we don't have to have it all together to welcome people into our lives and spend time with them. Love the reminder that we can choose to enjoy being with people no matter what other circumstances are like ;) Thanks so much for commenting!

  4. *second time someone comes to our house

    Responding on a phone doesn't work so well:)

  5. This is so perfect, Bonnie!
    As much as I love interior design and (hopefully) creating a beautiful home, the thing I'm most excited about is being able to share my space with friends and family.
    I really hope to have a home that everyone that walks in feels at home, even if its not their style, feeling the love that I have put into it, just for them!
    As you know, I really love old stuff. Just about everything of mine has a story. That is my favorite part of decorating. Even though I had never met my great grandmother, its such an honor to have a piece of her furniture in my home, making her a bigger part of my life. I just love the feeling of being able to look around and know that I'm surrounded by generations, memories, laughter, and history.

    I just love that. :)

    1. Hannah, I love what you said about having family pieces in the home. With all the beautiful things you collect, the generations after you are going to have some amazing pieces to choose from! :) Those little reminders of family really do make it feel more like home, huh?

  6. love this post! i love hosting people, but i also love just hanging at home with family. my mom is the ultimate hostess…she loves feeding people and hospitality is definitely one of her spiritual gifts! so i aspire to be that, but until i have a place of my own, i just enjoy helping my mom out when we have people over or cooking for my boyfriend's family with him!

    1. Thanks so much for commenting, Betsy! What a gift to have that example in your Mom. Sounds like you got that gift too and also such a kind, willing servant's heart. What a beautiful combination!

  7. I love having Scripture art all around the house to encourage our family and everyone who comes through our home. Music also makes a home happier. I'm glad that we are able to play some instruments because sharing music personally with those who live here and visit is an extra gift. Some of the things that make me happy at home are not the first things that usually come to mind. I like folding laundry and thinking about the special qualities of the person it belongs to, and if a friend stops in to chat and fold, that's happiness, too. Also, I'd add beautiful books and tell of God's glory and his love.
